The Goal of

The goal of is to generate an aggressive pursuit of the truth, however that can be determined to be.

What does it matter? is the expression most necessary since without purpose, what value does meaning or truth have?

Like the pursuit of the Higgs bosom, that invisible particle that dictates the behavior of the rest of the visible elements of nature, seeking the truth behind all that is can be exhaustive and disappointing…

Yet it encapsulates a hunger of knowing Why which then informs us of either responsibility or rebellion!

If the truth is out there, like the X-Files claims, then we must? find it and make sense of our world and the society we live in based upon what we find/discover…

Evaluating “truth” is an inductive pursuit, not merely deductive since we need to define where to start even as we define what constitutes the beginning place.

Question whether truth matters…

Who shot Jr? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Is the truth “out there”?

Are we who we thought we were?

The advance of science has brought about an advance in our thinking processes…

Then why can’t we explain __________?

Making sense out of life is a precarious proposition…

Why the pursuit of truth? Inquiring minds want to know… if there is a truth out there then it must have bearing on us here… if there is no truth out there, if there is no ultimate meaning out there for us, then what is the meaning of life for us? The implications are staggering… If there is no “truth” then what do we make of “error”? If there is no “truth” then what do we make of justice? or evil? or right and wrong? If there is no truth out there, then why should we seek to live civilized lives? Why not live like the animals? Dog eat dog, the survival of the fittest, only the strong survive, etc. Should we then succumb to the terrorists? Should we allow them their Jihad? Why should we fight?

particle accelerators were created to discover the basic elements of physical existence, to discover a general theory for existence…..

TruthAccelerator was created to do the same thing with truth—to discover its existence and its purpose and its implications for us…

What is your take on it?



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