What are you searching for?

            People are searching for many things. Whether it be fame, fortune, success, or simply happiness, everybody is searching for something. But when life goes wrong, when the daily mess we call life gets in the way of what we’re searching for, we start searching for something else… Like the proverbial two-year old, we want to know “why?”


            The search for meaning is most painful when things go wrong. When things go sideways. When it all comes crashing down. When hope is lost, and depression sets in, when that job disappears, opportunity stops knocking, that promotion goes to the wrong person, and life just generally seems to “suck”, that’s when we get serious about searching. We want—no, we demand to know why! How come! It’s not fair! That’s not right! And on and on we go…and get no where.


            If only we could get behind the big picture of the universe and figure out what’s going on and how we can effect change… Is life really like the Matrix? Are there vast machinations going on behind the scenes that we never know about? Why do things happen? That’s what we want to know. We convince ourselves that if only we knew, then we could handle it. When life makes sense…to us! But maybe the problem is us…


            I got a telescope for Christmas and it’s amazing. I can see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. I can see the “red” in the red planet we call Mars. I can track the constellations and follow my star chart and watch them move across the sky in the same steady motion, night after night. My star guide tries to introduce them all to me, but I know I’ll never visit any of them. I won’t live long enough to make the trip! But you know what’s most remarkable about my telescope? It’s that I can see that there is more to see farther out. Things that I cannot bring into focus beckon to me. What’s out there? How far does it go? What would I find? Why do I need to know?


            You know, the same thing happens if I start looking in a microscope… Why do you suppose you and I are in the middle of all this…existence? And what about when we got here? How long before we existed did all of this exist? If time didn’t “start” then there can be no forever because we cannot measure time without a frame of reference, can we? And what does the word “forever” even mean?


What’s truly amazing is the realization that we exist in multiple dimensions—at least those that we know of… We’re here…now…sentient…thinking…feeling…desiring (to know)…tasting…enjoying things in our lives…wishing/hoping for other things/people/events… How is it that we can think about things that have not yet happened? That may never happen? Our how is it that we can remember (most of the time)… and also forget? What other dimensions of life are we unaware of?


            Well, I for one, want to find out. I want to search. And since there are so many questions to ask, we need a format or a way of thinking to organize what we find. Since we are searching for something we want to know really is, we’ll call the object of our search “truth.” Whether something is or isn’t; accurate or inaccurate; real or false; imagined or just misunderstood; sincere or a lie; deception or manipulation; make-believe or real; wishful thinking or actual reality; all these are things we want to know. Truth is the measuring stick. What are you searching for? Come join the search!

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